chimney supplies
- January 27, 2016
As the owner of a fireplace, you’ve probably spent more time than you would like trying to manage and maintain the perfect fire. Turn your back on a wood-burning fireplace for just a few minutes, and that flame may dwindle away before you know it.
There are plenty of ways to fix that problem, as well as any other issues that may arise with other fireplaces.
Many people have their own fool-proof methods for building a perfect fire, but everybody needs a little help sometimes. With the right supplies, you can make sure you keep the best possible fire going.
Types of Fireplace Supplies
A Chimney Brush
Before lighting a fire, it’s a good idea to first make sure your chimney is clean. Even if you’ve never used it before, a build-up of leaves or animal nests can cause harmful blockages. There are professionals that can clean out your chimney for you, but you can also opt to do it yourself.
Start by measuring the size of the chimney flue to determine
- December 02, 2015
We’re getting excited, because it’s now the time of year that fires aren’t just enjoyable – they are necessary! Many times they are an essential component of a home during the winter time. During a recent stay in North Carolina, my friend told me that he uses his fireplace to heat his home during the entire winter! We spent some time gathering firewood to be able to burn throughout the duration of the cold winter months. What a way to save energy and cost on heating bills, especially when you have the proper chimney liner and chimney caps in place to prevent heat from escaping through the top and walls of the chimney.
Along with being economical and a great place to sit during the winter, the fireside is also a great place to enjoy some seasonal drinks throughout the winter months. There’s hot chocolate! Even white chocolate peppermint mochas from the local coffee joint. Today we wanted to talk about some of the exciting holiday drinks to enjoy during winter time.