How to increase the lifespan of your fireplace
The fireplace is an area in your homes that experiences very high degrees of heat for long periods. Concrete is usually the material of choice used in its construction, and though this material has its merits as construction material, it is terribly susceptible to heat and gases produced during combustion. These tend to weaken it over time, and if not taken care of properly, it can lead to cracking or even collapse of your fireplace. To ensure this does not happen, it is extremely advisable that one lines the interior of the fireplace using a heat proof material.
A fireplace liner can be used to prevent or repair damage to the structural integrity of the fireplace. A proper size of liner should be used for the specific kind of fireplace you are using, and a fireplace professional should be consulted to determine the optimum size. It is also advisable to check local regulations concerning fireplace liner installation, as some locales have legislation about this. One aspect that most people tend to overlook during installation of the fireplace liner is its insulation. The fireplace liner needs proper insulation to ensure maximum heat retention (making you more comfortable and requiring less fuel to work) as well as optimal smoke and gas removal. Lastly and most importantly, it is critical that one uses quality products when lining the fireplace to ensure its longevity and proper functioning.