The alternative to a wood burning stove – Learn what it is!
If you fancy the idea of having a wood burning stove but don’t have the room to put it or have a small fireplace, then an alternative you could consider could be a wood burning fireplace insert. The difference between them is that a wood burning stove is a stand-alone heating system which usually has a flue pipe attached and can stand anywhere. An ‘insert’, on the other hand, is a system which you can insert or slot into the original fireplace which then becomes your heating system.
The insert usually consists of a firebox, heat circulating blowers, a door and thermostatic controls. They also come with flashing and decoration. They are designed in numerous sizes so they are adaptable to any size fireplace and the flashing and decorations come in a wide variety to try and coordinate with your original décor as much as possible.
It would be advisable to speak to suppliers of fireplace inserts if you are considering this option as they will be able to instruct you as to the best choice for your home. It will depend on the size of the fireplace, what features you need on the installation and what decoration you will need after the fitting. Let the experts help to make your decisions easy.