chimney contractor
- January 01, 2017
Many homeowners who have never replaced their chimney liner are probably unaware if they even have one already. When a fireplace needs a new chimney liner, it's recommended you go with a stainless steel option because of its durability overtime. There are several benefits to installing a new chimney liner, the biggest of which is safety.
- October 24, 2016
For generations, the fireplace has been the staple in many homes - especially around the holidays. Back in the day, the fireplace, or even just a simple fire pit, had a sense of community and safety around it, which still carries through today. The fireplace is that one part of the home where you all gather around and enjoy each other's company - of course, the kitchen is also good for that, but does anyone really talk while they're essentially inhaling the holiday feast? Probably not.
- August 12, 2014
Have you always dreamed of having a home filled with the warmth of a wood burning stove? If so, Fireside Chimney can help you achieve that goal before winter arrives. Let’s first assess our materials and costs for this home-making project.
- July 28, 2014
For many homeowners, chimney upkeep can be a daunting task, but that's why professionals exist, so whether you choose to do any cleaning and maintenance on your own, or you'd rather hire someone to do the job, we're here to tell you how difficult of a do-it-yourself task it may be.
- July 21, 2014
Nothing makes the holiday's feel more like the holiday's than gathering with your family around the roaring fire in the fireplace. However, getting your fireplace prepped for the winter months can be an easy task for some, but for most it's not. Before you fire it up, it's important to either hire a professional to do an inspection all the way up through the chimney (if it's not electrical powered), or learn to do it properly on your own.